If you or your workers and shop personnel need training on the operation of your new IMER equipment we offer an in depth 1 day training seminar at the location of your choice. We can do it at your shop but would prefer to do it at an actual job site environment where the equipment is actually used. This training is almost mandatory for pump applications and proves to be a valuable experience.

Please choose from the dropdown box located above the "Add To Cart" button for the appropriate time and region in either 4 or 8 hour increments. 

We recommend having as many people there as possible that will use, maintain and operate the pump. The more people there the better. 

We arrive the evening before the training (other than local). Training begins the time that was scheduled before hand up to 8 hours. *Not being prepared could incur additional prorated hours at the scheduled rate. We will send you a checklist of what you will need to have for a successful training. 

If additional days or time are needed they will be billed at Local On Site training rate.

On Site Training is offered in the contiguous United States. Hawaii, Alaska, Canada and Mexico will be quoted on a case by case basis.

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USA On Site Equipment Training

  • Sale
  • Regular price $350.00